Andrew Smith's Blog

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Chasing Wonder: Small Steps Towards a Life of Big Adventures by Ginger Stache Book Review

In Chasing Wonder, Ginger Stache has written a book about how we can all live a life outside of our comfort zone and truly embrace life with every chance we get. Ginger is an Emmy award winner documentarian, writer, and television producer. She is also works for Joyce Meyer Ministries as a Creative Chief Officer. She begins the book by sharing one of her first adventures. She was eight years old hiking in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. She ran ahead of her parents and climbed a crooked tree. She heard her parents warning her to stop and to come down. She kept climbing to the farthest point. She shared how she soon realized her parents couldn’t reach her and that she would have to climb back down. She admitted how afterwards, she thought it was awesome and she realized that she loved to have an adventure mentality. She opened up about how God wants us to enjoy our life see John 10:10. Throughout the book, she shared how she has traveled the world and has stepped outside her comfort zone to live her life to the fullest. She shared how readers can choose to make time to be creative, discovering your passions, exploring your talents, and letting go of our fears, and going after something we wouldn’t normally do. She explained how we can chase the wonder and she encouraged readers to find the beauty everywhere we go. Some of these could be just the day-to-day activities such as, “beautiful sunrise, kindness of a stranger, toddler’s giggle, snowflakes, puppies, a hug”. But we can also choose to go after bigger adventures like seeing the worlds and exploring. 



I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is ready to live their lives and they want to go on adventures and see the beauty of God’s green earth. I have seen Ginger on Joyce Meyer TV program before and I always thought she had more of a story to share with readers. I didn’t realize how much she enjoyed adventures and some of hers are interacting with different wild animals along the way. I also liked how she encouraged readers to enjoy everyday life and to see the wonder of God’s creation. I immensely liked how she tried to assist readers into living without masks and breaking the pretenses and not living to impress others. I believe this is a timely book for readers to engage in especially since most of us were stuck inside during covid and we can still find creative ways to enjoy our lives. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.” 






If you would like to purchase a copy of Chasing Wonder, check it out on


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