Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Powerful Thinking by Joyce Meyer Book Review

In Powerful Thinking, Joyce Meyer has written a brand-new resource to help readers in getting their minds right and to develop twelve new mindsets. She explained the importance of thinking and how this has the power to change our lives. She shared how whatever we think about tends to come out of our mouths and this can affect the course of our lives. She revealed the powerful scripture of renewing our minds and how we can be transformed and changed see Romans 12:2. She has included in this book twelve new mindsets people can mediate on and choose to reply on in their lives. This included, “I can do all things through Christ, I am love unconditionally, I will not live in fear, I am difficult to offend”, and much more. Each chapter also included three questions to assist readers into digging deeper into the message. 





One of my favorite topics was the one that discussed fear. This chapter scripture was on 2 Timothy 1:7. This one how God has given us power, love, and a sound mind. She explained how fear cause us to become paralyzed and how satan uses this against us to stop us from living our lives. Some of us fear people, rejection, pain, failure, fear of the future, and much more. She went into detail about how we can choose to not be led by our feelings and we don’t have to let fear control us. Joyce described how she had to choose to pray and say countless times that she will not live in fear. She revealed how we can have faith and believe that God is with us through whatever we may be facing in life.





I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is ready to change their lives and to develop healthy mindsets. I immensely loved how the book contained a vast collection of scriptures where readers can mediate on them and renew their minds. I really enjoyed the chapter on making a decision to not be offended. She shared the truths found in Matthew 24:10 and how many will become offended and how people will betray and have hatred towards each other. This is something we are seeing a lot in the last days. She included the benefits of forgiveness and how we can choose to not to be offended. I loved how the book can be read and studied and applied to our everyday life and I appreciated how Joyce opened up about her own life and included examples to teach the principles in this book. 



"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.” 







If you would like to purchase a copy of Powerful Thinking, check it out on


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