Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Authentically, Uniquely You: Living Free from Comparison and the Need to Please by Joyce Meyer Book Review

In Authentically, Uniquely You, Joyce Meyer has written a brand-new book about learning to love yourself and to embrace our unique self. She shared how the first step is learning to love who we are and this will help us on our path to becoming authentic. She explored how scriptures teaches us that we are supposed to love our neighbors as we love ourselves and this is shown at least eight times in the Bible. She goes on to explain how if we don’t love ourselves then we are rejecting God’s love for us. This will also prevent us from loving others. She personally shared how she struggled with loving others and God finally revealed to her how she didn’t love herself in a healthy way. After over 40 years of not liking who she was, she spent a whole year studying and confessing God’s love for herself. She admitted how she was a people pleaser and she struggled with being manipulated by others. She opened up about we need to follow first Peter 3:11 and we are instructed to pursue peace and seek it with God, our neighbors, and with ourselves. 



She also shared the power of rejection and how if we reject ourselves, this will greatly affect our lives. This will also cause to act out in ways that will confirm our beliefs that they will in fact reject us. She explained how fear will cause us to lose our authenticity when we are desperately trying to please them and make them happy. She described her childhood and growing up with a father who was very controlling. He had to control the house, the TV, what time they were expected to be in bed and woke up, the meals they would eat, and who their friends could be. She revealed how this damaged her self image and led her to not be satisfied. She stated how we need to rely on what God says about us and not on what others have told us who we are. She listed a few scriptures such as, “apple of His eye, chosen by Him, special, chosen people, royal priesthood, His love is everlasting”, and much more. 



I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is ready to love themselves and they are tired of trying to be everything to everyone else. I immensely loved how Joyce taught on countless principles and included scriptures to back up how we can become our authentic self. I also loved how she looked at a list that we can reflect on to accept ourselves. One of my favorite scriptures passages she explored was the one on Numbers 13:17-33 and the twelve spies and their grasshopper mentally and how Joshua and Caleb chose instead to see the giants in the land differently than anyone else. They were the only two who knew that with God’s help they could overcome them. I also loved how she included a list of 100 verses in the back of the book on affirming God’s love for yourself and others. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.” 






If you would like to purchase a copy of Authentically, Uniquely You, check it out on


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