Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Kingdom Values: Character Over Chaos by Tony Evans Book Review

In Kingdom Values, Tony Evans has a written a book to call believers back into following Kingdom values and character. He begins the book by searching and describing what truth really is. Truth is the foundation of character. He explained how we are being deceived by the devil and how culture is busy feeding us lies. He looked at how satan was able to trick Eve into eating the forbidden fruit. He stated how the chaos in the world is the effect of people believing and following the devil’s lies. He shared how critical it is for us to know the truth where we don’t fall for satan’s lies. He revealed how the world is trying to cancel God and His Word. They are trying to cancel genders, morality, families, and whatever else they can think of. People reject the Bible mainly because it contradicts how they are choosing to live their lives.




The second part of the book looked at the components of Biblical character. One of my favorite topics was on gentleness. He stated how most men would hate this discussion. He explained how many relate it to weakness. Many believe you can’t have an opinion or speak up and you must become a doormat. He reminded readers that gentleness is controlled strength. He explained how we need to surrender to God and submit to Him. We need to have self-control. He described how Moses displayed meekness. 





One of my favorite stories, he shared was the story about the farmer who got tired of his neighbors stealing his watermelon. He decided to outsmart them and he made a sign that said, “one of the watermelons is poisoned”. They came back the next day and crossed out one and added the word two. The farmer ended up losing his whole crop because he believed they poisoned a watermelon and he didn’t know which one they poisoned. I liked this humorous story. Another favorite story was of the 95-year-old man and the story of the golf club. I liked how he used this example and how we can have a wrong view of our abilities. 



I would recommend this awesome book on focusing on our character and values and living them out like Christ did. I loved how he looked at many different components of our character and how we can grow each one. I immensely loved the discussion on truth and how satan is the author of confusion and how many of us are falling for his lies. I also loved the idea of the kindness challenge that he included at the end of the book to encourage readers to bless others each week. 



"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on



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