Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

The Wisdom Answer: Equipping Teens Living in a Culture of Deception An Interaction Journal Based on Proverbs 1-9 by Lenora Trembath Book Review

In The Wisdom Answer, Lenora Trembath has released a journal style book covering Proverbs 1-9. She used the Voice Bible for her own study. Her personal choice in writing this book is to help her own sons in growing in wisdom. While writing this book she realized all teens need some guidance and they need to understand the scriptures and how they relate to them personally. She revealed how she was once a bully and how she was bullied and she faced insecurities. She explained how she realized that she needed the teaching of Proverbs and the wisdom Solomon shared to his own son. We can discover answered to questions such as, “How to pick good friends, how to avoid relationship drama, how to handle bullying, and who do we listen to for advice”. We can also teach our children the importance of marriage and the warnings of a seductive woman. She even asked readers to share personal stories that they have been faced with seduction. 





One of my favorite days was about cosigning and the wisdom we can teach our teens about not taking on others security debts. These scriptures are powerful explaining how to save yourself and run like a gazelle escaping from a hunter and a bird fleeing from a net. We need to be extremely wise in choosing who we partner with. We can avoid heartache if we don’t sign on to others debts. Even a cosigner can become liability as the primary signer. I work as a title clerk and I see this all the time issues with people being stuck in problematic situations that could have been avoided. Most of the time it’s family or people who believe they are their true friends. And they realize later on that they made a great mistake. 





I would recommend this beneficial book to every single teen and parent. It would be an awesome journey for parents to go through together or even for a small group to do together. Proverbs isn’t just for teens but this book is geared to helping teens to understand the wisdom presented in Proverbs.





I loved how she asked critical questions to get teens to open up and think about the scriptures and what they are reading. This journal was neat because it asked a lot of discussion questions and left you room to write and brainstorm and you could explore your own story. One of my favorites tools was the memory challenge verse and having teens sign a contact type to hold them accountable. I also enjoyed the group activities ideas and I’m curious to try the spaghetti and marshmallow tower. This seems like a really fun, difficult, and creative game to play with others. 








"I received this book free from the author for my honest review.”







If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on




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