Andrew Smith's Blog

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Body of Proof: The 7 Best Reasons to Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus--and Why It Matters Today by Jeremiah J. Johnston, PhD Book Review

In Body of Proof, Jeremiah J. Johnston explored seven key reasons that will lead us to believe that Jesus died for our sins and did in fact rise from the grave. He explained how Jesus is the only historical event that enclosed evidence that Jesus died by a Roman crucifixion.  The book also explored the misconception theories and how they are flawed and untrue. Two of these included the swoon and wrong tomb theory. He expelled how they are both wrong and provided reasons on why we can choose not to fall for their lies. The book explored seven reasons to believe: society is transformed everywhere Christianity is introduced, Jesus called it, Jesus demonstrated resurrection power, just to name a few. Throughout the book, readers will get to witness key evidence that Jesus did die for our sins and was resurrected. 





One of these reasons comprised of how the written and archaeological sources support the Gospel and the resurrection narrative. He explained how in Jewish law Jesus’ death wouldn’t have been an honorable death. He was executed like he was a criminal. He looked at the tombs and stones they used back then. They used square or rectangular stones to seal the entrance of the tomb. Only wealthy families would be able to afford to have round stones. He shared how a body would have to be carried through horizontally. He went into detail about the established facts and how Jesus appeared to numerous people and he had a whole list at the end of the chapter and where they appeared in scripture. He also explored how Jesus was raised up and how Jesus wasn’t a ghost and they actually could touch him. 




I would recommend this awesome piece on historical evidence to anyone who is doubting that Jesus existed and that the tomb was empty. I immensely loved how he went into detail about the sevens reasons we can believe. He did an excellent job in looking at the history and the background and what we can learn from it. I also liked how he covered a whole chapter on how the disciples couldn’t have made up the resurrection and if they did, they did a terrible job. This book is an eye opener in the regards to our faith in Christianity. 






"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”







If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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