Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Healing Rain: Immersing Yourself in Christ’s Love to Find Wholeness of Mind, Body, and Heart by Sue Detweiler Book Review

In Healing Rain, Sue Detweiler wants readers to experience real healing in their hearts, spiritual, and physical. She begins the book by sharing a personal story about how an arsonist almost killed her and her 5-week-old baby, Rachel. They set a house next to theirs on fire and it caught their house also on fire. A few weeks earlier, her house had also been robbed. They were being targeted cause they were planting their very first church in Nashville, Tennessee. She credits her own mother to help save her life. Her mother felt let to pray, fast, and meditate on Isaiah 43. Her husband was able to make it home just in time and the fire dept was able to save them. The baby also didn’t suffer any harm. They were later made aware that witchcraft was involved and whenever her husband was gone. They would receive a phone call and laugher would be on the other end of the call who sounded like a witch. They sought out assistance in dealing with the trauma at a deliverance conference. Her husband was set free from the wounds of sexual intercourse as a teenager and she was freed from being sexual abused, unforgiveness, rejection, and demons of religion. 




In the book, she provides readers with the knowledge of revival and how God wants to revive us. She explained the 7 keys to obtain divine health. She opened up about her personal battle for health and how she was so sick from Hashimoto thyroiditis and inflammation. She was able to receive healing from her pain. She revealed how she takes communion regularly and has witness amazing changes and miracles. 




I would recommend this awesome book on healing and getting wholeness from our past traumas and hurts. I liked how she was transparent in sharing her own personal stories and how she has experienced healing and miracles. One of my favorite things she explored was how stress affects our bodies and how being burned out begins in our mind. I liked how she explained rest and how important this is and we can see wonderful benefits in every area of our lives. I also connected with the chapter on renewing our minds and how we can choose to declare these critical scriptures over our lives. I also loved how she enclosed different examples and personal stories from others who have witnessed miracles and attained their own healing. I liked how she included a healing moment section throughout the book and prayers at the end of the chapters. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”







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