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Showing posts with label Delicious Longevity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Delicious Longevity. Show all posts

Delicious Longevity: Practical, Science-Based Guide to Holistic Wellness and Lasting Health through Nutrition by Dr. Sara Redondo Book Review

In Delicious Longevity, Dr. Sara Redondo has written an excellent resource in helping readers to improve their overall health and strive for better longevity and aging. She begins the book by opening up about her mother and how she was diagnosed with lung cancer. She had never smoked. She was battling this while Sara was in medical school. Her mother kept it from her as long as she could. She died when she was 56 years old. She felt depressed and struggled with anxiety and didn’t want to talk to anyone. She finally discovered the power of integrative medicine and this explores the entire spectrum of our health. She found a doctor who had cancer and found healing by using integrative medicine. This book is written to guide you to become your best self and she tried to provide readers with the tools to do so. She explained how one study discovered that 1 in 5 deaths can be correlated to poor nutrition. What we eat at 40 affects our quality of life when we are in our 70s. She also touched on her newsletter and how she shares supplement recommended included in just that email newsletter. In the book, she touched on sleep, different types of diets and their benefits, fasting, sugar, processed foods, hydration, proteins, and omega-3.



One of my favorite chapters discussed kidney stones and how 1 in 11 people will experience it at least once in their lifetime. But more than half have recurrence of them. I have personally experiences stones a few times in the last several years. Many of my family members including my parents have had stones. My dad has one kidney due to him donating one of his to his brother. So, I try and find things to help prevent them for our families. Kidney stones are hard deposits of minerals and salts that tend to hurt when you pass them. Dehydration is a huge factor and just doing one simple thing can help to prevent them and this is drinking more water. One of mine that I caught was in fact a calcium stone. This is the most common type. I would love to find more resources on this topic. Another problem with dehydration is headaches and lot of people have problems with that as well. It has been established that dehydration can cause you to age more quickly and make you feel fatigue and tired. She shared some recommendation on how much water we should be consuming at different stages of our lives. 


I also liked the suggestion on the Mediterranean diet and I’m curious to learn about the benefits of this type of diet. My doctor has even recommended this type to me. One of the most important key components to this healthy eating is extra virgin olive oil. It has healthy fats and can help with anti-inflammation. You must also eat fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, just to touch on a few. Eating this way can help lower your risk of being overweight and obesity. It can help you to prevent long term weight gain. It can also help prevent diabetes. There have been numerous studies conducted that this diet can help reduce your risk of cancers. It can improve your sleep quality and latency. I’m really thinking about trying this diet. 




I would recommend this excellent resource on improve your overall health and increasing your longevity. There are tons of benefitable information throughout the book. I liked how she discussed different types of diets and what to eat. There are charts to replay the critical information and to make it easier to put it all together. I was constantly highlighting key areas to revisit again and again. You can tell this doctor has done her research and scientistic data to back up the topic. Following the tips are going to help you to achieve lasting health. 



“I received this book free from the author for my honest review.”


Check out her website:





If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out coming soon in 2025!