Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

How to Forgive When It Feels Impossible by Peter Horrobin Book Review

In How to Forgive When It Feels Impossible, Peter Horrobin explored the topic of forgiveness and how we can choose to forgive ourselves for our mistakes and to forgive others for their shortcomings. He begins the book by explaining that many of us have locks on our hearts and we block others from entering our homes and hearts. Many of us are dealing with painful events and we don’t know how to do deal with unresolved unforgiveness. He described to readers that there is a better way and there is a master key that Jesus gave us. The master key is prayer and most importantly the prayer of, “father forgive them because they don’t know, what it is that they are doing”. Jesus prayed this over the people who crucified him and drove nails into his skin. Jesus taught us how to forgive others who harm us and curse us. Peter revealed how this act of prayer can transform our relationship with Christ and how the Holy Spirit power can be released into our lives. He discovered the four main areas: reputation, sexuality, time, and health where people can be robbed of and the only thing we can do is learn to heal from the pain. In the book, he shared the eight steps to gain freedom and to forgive and heal from the pain and hurt that you are feeling inside. 



I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who needs to learn how to forgive and they are ready to seek true freedom. I liked how real and truthful Peter was in explaining the power of forgiveness and the keys that we can chose to unlock in our lives by following Jesus’ example and choosing to forgive. I liked how he included a whole chapter of personal stories about people who found healing in forgiving either themselves or someone else. The stories included being molested, abused, accidents that happened to them, parent conflicts, betrayed, robbed, and much more. One of the forgiveness stories, I was surprised to read about was the one about Jim. When Jim was a little boy, his father told him to jump in his arms off the roof. His father didn’t try and catch him and he just stepped aside and let him hit the concrete. Thankfully, Jim didn’t died but his chest was crushed and he had trouble breathing for years because of that event. After he chose to forgive his dad, he was healed and the asthma and the side effects of that event are completely gone now. This story was heartbreaking to read that a dad would purposely let harm come to his son. I enjoyed how Peter walked readers on eight steps to get freedom from the pain of the past and forgiving when it seems impossible to do so. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy of How to Forgive When It Feels Impossible, check it out on 


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