Andrew Smith's Blog

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Your Time is Now: Get What God Has Given You by Jonathan Evans Book Review

In Your Time is Now, Jonathan Evans has written a new book about living in the now and going after what God is calling you to accomplish in life. He begins the book by opening up about his background. He is the son of Tony Evans, the popular preacher and Jonathan shared how he struggled to figure out his own purpose. He was also at one point signed to the NFL with the Dallas Cowboys and he shared how football was his life. After two months, of being signed he was kicked off the team. He shared how he became the chaplain of the Dallas Cowboys and co-chaplain for the Dallas Mavericks and serving in the national ministry. He explained the importance of the word now and the timing. He looked at Joshua and how he rose to a leadership position right after Moses. He recognized how the scriptures declared to Joshua that he was supposed to rise up now. The verse also used the word now twice. Jonathan went into extreme detail about the word now and how this is our season and we can’t wait until we are ready when God says to go, we need to move. He revealed how we need to learn to live out our purpose. He also asked readers to ponder and think on what in our lives has to die and what is keeping us from living out our purpose. 



I would recommend this book to anyone who is ready to walk into God’s calling on their lives and they are wanting to live fearless and go after their calling. I immensely loved he covered all the different areas of stepping into our purpose such as, now, but, go, confidence, wait, yes, and much more. One of my favorite things that he shared was the discussion on the secret from his father. He asked his father one time how he got to point A to point B. His father guidance was for him to go read Hebrews 11. This one talked about faith and how it is the things hoped for. It discussed Abel, Noah, Jacob and Esau, Joseph, Moses, Israelites, and much more and how they had faith and were able to see their lives changed. This taught him how to live in faith and walk in faith and how we can witness our lives change for the better. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy of Your Time is Now, check it out on


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