Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Growing Slow: A 6- Week Guided Journey to Un-hurrying Your Heart Bible Study by Jennifer Dukes Lee Book Review


In Growing Slow Bible Study, Jennifer Dukes Lee follows mainly along with her book Growing Slow. It isn’t required but it’s helpful. The book is divided into six sessions of the growing season: cultivate, plant, grow, harvest, celebrate, and heal. It also explored a key Bible verse, my land, your land, the holy land, un-hurry your heart, and a prayer. Throughout the book, she will look at how to slow down, laying down your burdens, growing into the areas you need to grow into, and finding the value of what is already growing, and healing. In the book, she explained how she was a rock picker for her first job. She was amazed by how there would be new rocks every single year. They were there hiding under the surface all along and she explained how winter helped to heal the land. The reason why they looked for and picked up rocks was to not harm the farm equipment. She used this story to explain how she had her own buried stones in her life from hurtful words, beliefs of not being good enough, secret fears, and past sins. She revealed how important it is to remember the stones and to seek true freedom. She also explored 1 Samuel 7 and how Samuel chose to remember the stones and how God performed goodness towards the Israelites. She looked at the year of Jubilee and how that fits into healing the land and healing us. She also included a cutout or a printable version of a stone where they can write down some of their stones and throw them away. 



I would recommend this incredible Bible study to anyone who is ready to enjoy their life and they are wanting to grow deeper. I liked how transparent she was in sharing examples from her own life about how she was able to unclutter her heart and to slow down. My favorite lessons in the book were about healing and letting God assist you in releasing the stones that are weighting us down in life. There is freedom that is available if only we will go through the process. I also liked how she included special free videos and a leader’s guide to provide readers with the extra tools that they may benefit from. I haven’t read her original book and after this study it does seem to be like a book I will have to check out. 



"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy of Growing Slow Bible Study, check it out on


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