Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

A Flood of Kindness written by Ellen Leventhal Illustrated by Blythe Russo Book Review

Flood of Kindness is a story about how the river in the town decided to jump its bank and changed the town. There was a massive flood and the rain wouldn’t stop. They had to be rescued by a boat and they were transported to a shelter. The book described what she saw and how there was no room. A girl with a book waved at her and she didn’t wave back. They had to eat a peanut butter sandwich and she wasn’t used to that. She also only had her teddy left. A few days later, the water went down and they were able to go home. But they couldn’t live there so they had to travel back to the shelter. She explained how she saw people helping one another on the way back to the shelter. The girl with the book walked over to her and gave her a book and told her it was time for her to pass it on. Later, she saw a small boy all alone under a tree and he was upset because he lost all of his toys. He explained to her how he had a teddy bear like hers. She then remembered that she borrowed socks when she had wet ones, and how she borrowed a book. Then she handed the boy her own teddy bear and told him he could have him and it was time to pass him on. The boy smiled at her and she smiled too. The flood of kindness spread throughout the whole town and the book explained how we can also be a blessing to one another. 



I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is looking for a story about something negative happening and then finding the positive in the event. I immensely enjoyed the message of this book. It was more a darker tale at first, but if you went through a weather-related event and you needed to explain it to your children, this book would be a wonderful resource to use. The author also experienced three times in her own life flooding of her own. I liked how she added kindness to the story and was trying to teach our children how to have empathy. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords/Worthy Kids for my honest review.” 





If you would like to purchase a copy of A Flood of Kindness, check it out on


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