Andrew Smith's Blog

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Reignite: Fresh Focus for an Enduring Faith by Jack Graham Book Review

In Reignite, Jack Graham has written a new book about rediscovering the passion and faith and finding joy again. He begins the book by opening up about the year 2009 and how his life was changed forever. He had a checkup with his doctor. They ran some tests and found out his PSA numbers were increasing and they have been for four years. They found out he has prostate cancer. In a few weeks, he was supposed to be celebrating 20 years as a senior pastor at Prestonwood. He shared in the book how he endured anxiety and battled depression. He revealed to readers what he experienced and how he dealt with all the signs of depression. He described how he emerged from his pit and included some of the steps he did to get free. He explained how time, touch, and thanksgiving, and therapy greatly changed his life. He also shared how reading scriptures, meditating, praying over God’s Word, and proclaiming God’s Word helped to redirect his life. He reread the story of Jonah, Moses, David, Paul, and Elijah and how they dealt with anxiety. He shared how he has seen marriages restored, addicts break their addictions, prisoners accept forgiveness, the sick healed, and much more by reading, listening to scriptures, and proclaiming them over your life. Throughout the book, readers will learn about the fundamental of our faith, exchanging doubt, discontentment, distress, and following God. 



I would recommend this incredible book to anyone who is ready to reignite their faith and they want to get their passion back for God and His Word. I liked how open and transparent Jack was in sharing with readers about his life. I connected with how he included his battle with depression and anxiety and how he overcame it. He included many tips and suggestions on how he handled his experience. I immensely liked how he enclosed countless scriptures to encourage readers in their journey to rediscover their passion and faith. One of my favorite areas of the book, he looked at was how satan uses three ways to trap us and these included: distraction, deception, or compromise. I deeply liked how he taught readers about spiritual warfare and how we can live in victory.



"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy of Reignite, check it out on


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