Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Just Getting Started: Stepping with Courage into God’s Call for the Next Stage of Life by Wendy Peter Book Review

In Just Getting Started, Wendy Peter has written a book about chasing after your dreams and creating a road map to make that happen. She begins the book by revealing how she was 50 years old before she decided to start living her dreams. She explained her struggle with keeping her dreams hidden for many years. She opened up about he was able to connect with Patricia King (pastor, author, and TV host) and was eventually asked to take over the spot of director for the Women on the Frontlines in Canada. She shared how the Bible called us to be the light of the world. She looked at how Jesus healed a blind man and stated that He was the light of the world. She also shared how we are also called to be a city on a hill. She revealed the scope of the false line and how countless people have stopped at that line and they believe they have hit their own finish line and completed their race, when in fact G     od still has more for them. In the book, she also looked at the importance of figuring out your why. She also went into details about identifying your what and your spheres of influence, ministry gifts, and hobbies/interests/practical skills and this in turn will assist in designing your dream. 



I would recommend this incredible book to anyone who is ready to start dreaming again and they are wanting to pursue everything God has for them to complete. I loved how open Wendy was in sharing her own personal story about how she went after her dreams in her 50’s. I immensely loved the story about how she met Patricia and God opened up a door for her to lead women in ministry. I liked the principles she included in the book especially about finding out our what’s and why’s and how everything could fit together to help form our dreams. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/Chosen Books for my honest review.” 





If you would like to purchase a copy of Just Getting Started, check it out on


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