Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

You Are Stronger Than You Think: Unleash the Power to Go Bigger, Go Bold, and Go Beyond What Limits You by Joel Osteen Book Review

In You Are Stronger Than You Think, Joel Osteen has written a brand-new inspirational book encouraging readers to stand firm in and not to let life circumstances overwhelm them. In the book, he is determined to help readers to overcome the cycles of defeat and to handle the pressure of life. He explained how God has already given us the power to deal with the pressures of life and the challenges are designed to make us stronger. He begins the book by sharing a story about the Mariana snailfish. This fish can survive at the very bottom of the ocean and this is the only fish that can in that amount of pressure. This fish has very unique features that allow it to live at that depth. He uses this story to illustrate how we are all able to handle whatever pressure we may be facing in our life. This might include raising children, financial, relationships, illness, business pressure, and whatever else life can throw at you. He went into great details about how we can learn to have a can-do mentality and through Christ we are well able to accomplish and can handle it.  




In the book, he also encouraged readers to invite God into their difficulties. He explained how when we go through challenges a lot of the times, people are praying to God to get them out of the difficulty. This could include a bad illness, financial, or a work issue. He stated how instead we need to be inviting God into the challenge and to learn to grow from it. We need to allow God presence to come into our lives and in whatever we are going through. He looked at the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and how they refused to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzar golden idol. He had them thrown into the fiery furnace and it was turned up 7 times hotter. Joel reiterated how God could have delivered them first thing but He chose to allow them to go through the fire. He reminded readers that we wouldn’t have known God was healer or that God could move mountains if we never had any obstacles. God did eventually deliver them and they weren’t touched by the fire and there was a fourth man reported in the fire with them. He revealed how important it is to not complain instead we can choose to praise and to stand firm that no weapon against us will prosper. 



I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is tired of living stuck in life and they are always hoping and praying that they will have no more difficulties in life. I especially enjoyed how he shared that we need to be inviting God into our challenges and difficulties and how this can help us grow stronger. This book will guide readers into becoming stronger and to not reply on our feelings or the pressures of life. I immensely love how Joel reminded readers to take off the negative labels that we are wearing and to also take off can’t do mentality. I liked how he encouraged readers to keep walking on and to stay obedient and how we need to live by faith not by what we currently see. 






"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.”







If you would like to purchase a copy of You Are Stronger Than You Think, check it out on


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