Andrew Smith's Blog

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Unleashing Peace: Experiencing God's Shalom in Your Pursuit of Happiness by Jeremiah J. Johnston Book Review

Unleashing Peace is a book about living in God’s peace, his shalom. This word appears 550 times in scripture. But as readers will witness this isn’t something that is discussed a lot in today’s times. This book hopes to change just that. He begins the book by sharing a heartbreaking story about a guy in London who was trying to jump off a bridge. In London, he shared how pedestrians don’t have the right of way and cars and where this bridge is located there is a lot of heavy traffic. A half dozen of people tried to stop him from jumping and they refused to let him go. He explained how God doesn’t give up on people but that we do. He looked at greatly in the book about how churches don’t speak on mental health, depressing, suicidal thoughts, and PTSD. There was survey even completed on how 70% of pastors don’t discuss it at all and how people wish they would. There is a wonderful amount of information included in this book about the suicide epidemic. The book is divided into three parts: how to unlock and unleash God’s shalom in your life, applying it to others and the world around us, and protecting our shalom in difficult times. 



I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is tired of not living in peace. This book will assist readers into discovering their true shalom and how we can apply the principles enclosed in this book to our everyday life. I immensely loved how he included interviews from doctors to explain their take on the topic. One of the doctors revealed a study conducted about depressed individuals and how the group who ran thirty minutes three times a week had improved overall moods compared to the one who took medication. Dr. Tague also explained how he had a better mood when he took the time each day to spend time with God and ask for joy. One of my favorite discussions was the one on magnesium and how critical this key component is to boosting their moods, providing nutrients, and how it helped to lift depression. I also greatly love how he discussed if someone kills themselves, do they go to hell and he included a fact section on the topic and he tries to encourage people to reach out for help when needed. I also liked how he looked at the unpardoned sin and what these consist of. There is a lot of scriptures verses and stories that explore peace and they will help us apply it daily in our lives. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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