Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Food Triggers: Exchanging Unhealthy Patterns for God-Honoring Habits by Amber Lia Book Review

In Food Triggers, Amber Lia explored 31 food triggers that trap us into unhealthy eating and how we kept repeating the same cycle over and over. Some of these triggers included, “when you feel defeated before you start, bored, lack portion control, doctor tells you to lose weight, community means food, hit a plateau, feed your emotions, lonely, fixated on the scale”, and much more. She explained how she was a cross country player in college. During this time, she carried extra weight. By the time, she met her husband she was healthier and a bodybuilder. She even ran three miles regularly. She stated how she was in control of her health and not controlled by gluttony. She revealed how all of that changed within ten years and had five pregnancies and a miscarriage. She explained how she felt her metabolism was stuck. She was struggling with keeping up with all four of her sons and was overweight. She studied scriptures and learned to renew her mind and what caused her to overindulge. One of the first things, she looked at was the why behind why we want to get healthy it could be to get more energy or get off diabetes medications. She shared that she lost over 60 pounds and her husband was able to lose a lot of weight as well. 



Another area, she explored was portion size. She began to study the serving size and what was in foods. She even placed measuring cups and spoons and taught her children how to get the correct serving size for meals and snacks. They use smaller plates for meals and use measuring spoons for condiments. They share meals when they go out to eat to eat less. She also looked at Exodus 16 and how they were complaining that they would die in the desert. God provided them quail and they were told to eat but not to keep the leftovers. Some of them kept the leftovers and they were filled with maggots. She compared to how this has led us to having to deal with cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. 




I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is struggling with food triggers and they are ready to break free. I liked how this book was written where readers could tackle a different trigger a day for a month. I liked how the book explored multiple different areas and tips to control our overeating indulges. One of my favorite chapters was the one on sugar and how much it controls us and how a study was conducted on rats portraying how they were addicted to Oreos and how it activated more neurons in their pleasure center than when they tried cocaine.  This was very shocking and very eye opening on how much we are addicted to craving something sweet. I loved how she shared how she was able to lose her desire for sweets and reply on more natural foods. I immensely enjoyed how she included a lot of tips on how to beat your food triggers and how to also to grow your spiritual appetite. This is also a special prayer at the end of each chapter. 





"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on 


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