Andrew Smith's Blog

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The Rooted Life: Cultivating Health and Wholeness Through Growing Your Own Food by Justin Rhodes Book Review

In The Rooted Life, Justin Rhodes has written a how to book on how to plant, harvest, and raise chickens and cows. He started his own YouTube channel and own streaming platform, Abundance+. His family lives on a 75-acre family in Asheville, North Carolina. He explained his families’ reasons for planting and growing their own vegetables, fruits, herbs. They also have chicken for eggs and cows for milk. Some of these reasons included: better health, way to earn extra money, having fun, better taste, understanding where your food comes from and you can control the hormones and pesticides. He shared suggestions on how to build different types of gardens such as: container garden, bulletproof garden, raised beds, and crop gardens. He has tons of tips on watering, planting, weeding, dealing with bugs and pests, and harvesting. He discussed tips on how to have a winter garden and how to properly cover them plants from the cold temperatures. He also discussed raising chickens and even using them eventually for meat. 




I would recommend this inspiring book to anyone who is looking to begin their own garden and they have no idea where to begin. I liked how he stated that everyone can garden and you can do it with working in whatever area you currently live at even if it’s a small apartment. I immensely loved how he gave tips on watering and how to tell if you’re watering enough or not enough. This book has tons of tips and ideas on all different garden types. I loved how the book included very beautiful pictures of his garden and different angles they used for some of the shots. I also loved the recipes enclosed in this book and I’m curious to try no-crab breakfast casserole. In the book, he also shared how he battle chronic Lyme disease and struggled with having energy, felt tired, and wanted to sleep all the time, and a mentally foggy brain. I immensely connected with this part of his story since I too have had Lyme and struggled to keep working during this difficult season. It was encouraging to see that he shared how he was able to keep milking the cows and taking care of his farm. 





"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.”


If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on

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