Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

With God I Always Have Hope: A 90-Day Devotional by Baker Publishing Group Book Review

With God I Always Have Hope is a brand-new 90-day devotional. It designed with the intend for readers to be able to read a quick devotional in under two minutes. Each day contained a verse, short story, a reflect question, prayer, declaration, and an action. The book is based on how Jesus reminded readers that He would be us always. They remind us of Isaiah 40:31 and this stated how hope in Christ can renew our strength. These devotionals are meant to encourage readers to always have hope no matter what they are currently facing. 



One of my favorite days is about how a laugh is redeemed. This one discussed Sarah and how God promised they would have a son. Sarah was old and way past the age to have a child. She laughed when she was told she would have a child. They explained how a year later she had a son, Isaac. His name means laugher. God was able to replace her cynicism with joy and hope. She was able to break free from her disappointment and God’s promise come to pass. 



I would recommend this incredible devotional to anyone who is needing more hope in their life. I immensely loved how each day contained helpful encouragement to deal with our disappointment and fiery trials. I loved how each day was built to cause us to hope and believe in God and have faith that anything is possible. I loved the declarations and how there was an action to help us live out each day. I also liked the cover of the book and how each page reminded me of fishing on the ocean with Jesus. There were great blue color tones in each page. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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