Andrew Smith's Blog

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Don’t Scroll: Evangelism in the Digital Age by Brian Barcelona Book Review

In Don’t ScrollBrian Barcelona shared how he had to change how he was doing ministry in 2020 when everything got shut down. For 12 years, he was traveling to public campuses- mostly in high schools preaching and telling students about God. He started doing Instagram live events talking with different key known voices. There wasn’t a record-breaking number of views. He was feeling frustrated and the lockdown was affecting him. He was talking with one of his friends and he suggested they do an event called, Gen Z for Jesus and they would do it June 17th when God was removed from public schools. 25,000 students joined the livestream. After this event, he met two other teenagers who encouraged him and they came with the idea of starting a digital ministry. They began filming videos telling people about Jesus. They used Instagram, TikTok, Zoom, and YouTube. They founded a text message number to allow people to text prayer requests and questions. In the book, he shared how the methods have changed in how we preach the Gospel but the message hasn’t changed. In the book, he devoted a whole chapter to personal stories about how others have since created their own videos changing people’s lives. These stories ranged from self-harm scars healed, salvation, freedom from suicide, brain healed, baptism, and much more. 



I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is ready to reach the current generation and teach them about Jesus. I loved the idea of the whole digital ministry and how many are using the popular TikTok platform to do so. It is really cool watching people make videos about Christ. I loved the story he shared about healing from brain aneurism and how one guy battling with thoughts of suicide didn’t follow through because of other users commenting and reaching out to him. I also loved how he shared some from others helping spread the Gospel using different digital platforms. I also liked how he enclosed 12 tips for effective digital missions. One of my favorite ones discussed that every generation is changing and we need to listen to the Holy Spirit and remember what our mission is. We have to open to His leading. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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