Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

The Path to Peace: Experiencing God’s Comfort When You’re Overwhelmed by Ann Swindell Book Review

In The Path to Peace, Ann Swindell has written a brand new 40-day devotional. She divided the book into eight different key Biblical characters and how they discovered their peace. These included Sarah, Moses, Ruth, Paul, the Disciples, and much more. As we are all aware, they didn’t live all carefree lives. They like us had things to face and deal with. She explained how each had faith and they learned the importance of peace. She looked at how having a soul at rest in God brings us true peace. She shared throughout the book how she gained peace and had a changed heart. In the book, she opened about her own story. Her and her husband had been married for about 13 years at the time. Her husband lost his job and this caused financial struggle worries. She explained how she had a lack of security about the future. She remembered how she went off on her husband about how this wasn’t what she signed up for. She didn’t want a life filled with loss and pain. She didn’t want three miscarriages and for her son to have major health issues. They moved four times within 4 and a half years. They lost their friends and were abandoned. She touched on how her husband went into full time ministry and challenges this brought. Readers will be able to see how she was able to still have peace. 



I would recommend this awesome devotional to anyone is ready to rediscover peace and they are tired of living in fear and anxiety. I immensely loved how she shared different Biblical characters and their life stories. I liked how she made the story appear like you were hearing about it for the first time. She made it seems fresh and new. I loved how she mixed in her own personal life stories in the book and how she handled the changes that happened in her family. It was awesome to witness how she remained hopeful and at peace.




"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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