Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Confidently You by Joyce Meyer Book Review

In Confidently You, Joyce Meyer has decided to take some action against the insecurity epidemic. One of the first steps, she shared to become more of a confident person is by changing your thoughts about yourself and God. She explained how there is two types of confidence. The first one is rooted in our own human strength, personality, and abilities. This is referred in scripture as having confidence in the flesh. The second one is having a dependence on God and realizing everything comes from Him. She shared the dangers of comparison and how important it is to accept ourselves. We must embrace our strengths and weaknesses and our successes and failures. She went into detail about how God loves us just the way we are and we don’t need to compare ourselves with others. The world wants us to compare ourselves with others they use advertisement to accomplish this. We need to have the latest technology gadget, fashion trend, beauty secret to look younger, lose the extra weight, and anything else to keep up with everyone else. She explained how we are not supposed to covet and lust after whatever else someone else has. Jesus didn’t compare Himself to others. He told his disciples the greatest among them would be the one who serves others with joy. 



Joyce opened up about how she struggled with comparison and would envy the pastor’s wife and some of her friends. She felt rejected and like she didn’t fit in. It took her many years to realize that God accepts her and created her in her mother’s womb. She revealed how she believed when we compared ourselves with others, we are insulting God for what He made us to be. We instead to learn to appreciate others for who they are and to love ourselves as we are. We can make a choice to focus on our strengths and maximizing them. 



I would recommend this wonderful book to anyone who is struggling with being confident. I immensely loved how she covered what to do with our words. We can speak life and watch our words. I loved how she tried to help readers in not engaging in fearful talk. These is power when we speak what God says about us over our lives and we get in agreement with Him. I believe this will also assist us in become more confident. I     also liked how she shared she had to do things afraid in order to grow and putting her car in drive. She was very transparent in sharing how she began her ministry and was afraid to quit her job and to peach the word and many times she still felt fear but she chose to keep going. This is an awesome resource to use to living boldly and with confidence. 







"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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