Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

A Door Made for Me by Tyler Merritt Illustrated by Lonnie Ollivierre Book Review

A Door Made for Me is a personal story that Tyler has dealt with most of his life and he made his experience into a children’s book. The book details his time spend with his grandparents' every summer. He met another young boy named Jack who happened to be white. They would enjoy the outdoors and fish. Tyler explained how at first, he was scared of the worms. Jack wanted to show everyone how many fish they caught. They knocked on doors asking people to come outside to see the fish. The book explained how many of the people wouldn’t give them the time of day. One lady forever changed his life when she refused to allow Tyler inside because he was black but Jack was allowed inside. He then went home to his grandfather and had an in-depth conversation about how someone could hate him when they didn’t even know him. He compared it to opening doors and how we can’t allow another person’s hate and actions to define us. 




I would recommend this awesome book about Tyler’s life to any child aged 4-9. It was heartbreaking to witness how that lady made Tyler feel when she wouldn’t allow him into her house based on his skin tone. I immensely loved the lessons the grandfather taught and how it all centered on finding the door that was made for us and to open it for the next person to walk through maybe with even less of a struggle. This book will make a wonderful conversation starter on teaching children about not judging others based on skin color or people who are different. The illustrations were very colorful and engaging to the audience. 


"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords/ Worthy Kids for my honest review.”



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