Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Worried about Everything Because I Pray about Nothing: How to Live with Peace and Purpose Instead of Stress and Burnout by Chad Veach Book Review

In Worried about Everything Because I Pray about Nothing, Chad Veach has written a new book about prayer and how we can learn how to pray. The book is divided into three sections, “prayer changes everything… but mainly you, what everybody gets wrong about prayer, and getting better at prayer”. 



He stated how we view God affects our prayer life. Another big part that can harm our prayer life is the view we have of ourselves. This in turn changes how we approach God in prayer. He explained how they are both connected. He stated how many of us are more geared to praying to be forgiven and to bless us. But prayer is much more than just that. He looked at how Jesus and Paul prayed. He shared over twenty-five scriptures about who we are in Christ. Some of these included, “I am a child of God, accepted, blessed, free from condemnation, at peace”, and much more. 



He begins the book by sharing that his parents were pastors and how he grew up in church. Prayer didn’t become very real to him until he was about 16 years old. He attended an event called Promise Keepers and he had a real encounter with God and this led to his hungry for God. He shared how in his senior year, he partnered with two other friends. They began a lunch prayer group and it eventually grew to the gym cause so many students joined. He also opened up about his daughter, Georgia and how she was diagnosed with lissencephaly, which is a condition that effects the brain development. He shared how he felt a presence and that God would give them grace through this. 



I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is ready to learn how to pray more and to grow closer to God. I immensely loved how he looked about all of the excuses people use to avoid praying and the role shame plays into it. I also loved how he looked at David and his teaching found in the book of Psalms. He explained the five different stages, “pain, processing, prayer, proclamation, and peace” and how David prayed. One of my favorites was the one on proclamation and how he praised Him. I also liked how he explored dangerous prayers and one of the hardest ones was the one that discussed forgiving your enemies and praying for God to bless them. I love how he covered a number of different topics relating to prayer and this book will assist us in growing in our relationship with Christ. 





"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on



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