Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

The Lord Bless You: A 28-Day Journey to Experience God's Extravagant Blessings by Terry A Smith Book Review


In The Lord Bless You, Terry A Smith has written a brand new 28-day devotional style book to explore the path to blessings whether it be us receiving a blessing or being a blessing to someone else. He began the book by looking at how we say bless you when someone sneezes. It all started when Pope Gregory the Great chose to have people to say a prayer and include God bless you when you sneeze. At the time, they were dealing with the Bubonic Plague and this caused sneezing and would lead to a fatal sickness. He shared how the Bible contained the words related to blessings more than 500 times. In the book, he drove deep into the topic of blessing and it’s divided up into four sections: blessing, purpose, people, and gratitude. 




He began the book by looking at Adam and Eve and how they sneezed and entered into the fall and sinned against God. They chose to go their own way and received a curse instead of a blessing. The world was later redeemed when Jesus died on the cross for humanity. He explained how God blessed Adam and Eve and then they got sick. He explored Abraham and the covenant and God told him how he would be a great nation and how he will bless him and how he will bless those who choose to bless him. He will also curse those, who curse him. All the people will be blessed through him. We can reply in the fact that we can choose to move forward and remember that God will bless us. 




One of my favorite chapters discussed the power of thank you. We can choose gratitude. He shared the story of the ten lepers and how only one thanked Jesus for his healing and praised him. We can use this story to remind us to praise Jesus and to grateful for everything we have been blessed with. He revealed a personal story about how he struggled with depression and had unmet expectations. He shared how God spoke to him and taught him a lesson on believing that is cup is already overflowing and be thankful for everything he has been given. His wife even noticed a big difference in his attitude. He clarified how God loves a cheerful receiver and how we need to learn to express our gratitude.




I would recommend this awesome book of receiving God’s blessings and in turn becoming a blessing in someone else’s life. I enjoyed how inspirational this devotional was and how quick and easy it is to read a devotional a day. I also liked how each day enclosed a question at the end to assist readers into digging deeper into the message. I also liked how the book was smaller book and it made it easier to carry around. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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