Andrew Smith's Blog

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Something Greater: Discovering God's Best Right Where You Are by Jentezen Franklin Book Review


In Something Greater, Jentezen Franklin has written a book to remind readers that we are living in the acres of diamonds and that greater is coming our way. This book is a re-released his popular book, Acres of Diamonds in a mass market paperback edition. He begins the book by explaining how a diamond is created. It takes time, pressure, and heat. He described how when we go through our trials that they serve a purpose and we need to learn to stay and become more fruitful. This will cause us to learn more and do more and it will bring forth a diamond. He revealed the powerful impact the word stay can have on our lives and cause a positive change reaction. He reminded readers that they grass isn’t always greener somewhere else. He looked at Ecclesiastes and how it explained how there is a time for everything, to laugh, live, gather, plant, and much more. He also explored the Prodigal son and how he left home in search of a more fulfilling life. He strongly cautioned believers to not run from churches, jobs, relationships, and not to be so quick to move. He explained how the very thing we are leaving someone else would love to have. 





One of my favorite stories, he shared was about our tattered dreams. God is still on the throne and able to bring our dreams to pass. He told the story of billionaire real estate mogul, Steve Wynn. He purchased a painting by Picasso, the Le Reve estimated to have been worth for about $60 million. Wynn had an eye disease and this affected his peripheral vision. He tried to sale it years later and at the sale he fell and tore the painting. He ripped the painting that was now worth $139 million. He was able to find a restorer and he fixed the torn painting. He later sold it for $155 million. Even though it was torn and restored it was now worth more than ever. He used this story to encourage us that even torn dreams can be restored. God’s word even declares that He will repay you the years that the locusts have eaten. Our failure doesn’t have to be final. Jesus still promises to give us life more abundantly. 



I would recommend this wonderful book to anyone who is ready to learn more about how we can do something great right where we are. We can learn about our hidden potential and discover God’s plan for our lives. Another favorite thing he shared was the chapter on jobs and how God has us right where he wants us. We may be planted where God currently wants us to be. If we choose to leave, we may miss our acres of diamonds. One of the most powerful lessons, he shared was on how we are located right where we need to be for a reason. He revealed how we don’t need to forget that we have influence over our employees and coworkers. We can in turn use this to reach others for Christ. Franklin explained how we are able to reach others for Christ in ways he couldn’t do as a preacher. He spent a great deal in stating that Jesus also did work and how we can do our jobs with excellence. This is the second time I have read this book. I read the first edition and this is a great reminder of the message of this book. I liked how this edition was smaller and easier to carry around with you for quick reference. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on 




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