Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Emotional Intelligence Game Changers: 101 Simple Ways to Win at Work and Life by Harvey Deutschendorf Book Review

In Emotional Intelligence Game Changers, Harvey Deutschendorf has written a book to help readers to understand their emotions and to learn how to balance them. The book is in a simple form with a short chapter with bullet points, El exercise, and a quote broken down into 101 ways. He explained where the term emotional intelligence come from and it began with Aristotle. It is defined as, “skill of understanding and channeling our emotions, rather than letting them control us.” He shared how his father was an angry man and was rarely happy. They have to live on guard never knowing when he would get set off. His mother was the opposite and she was patient and loving. He grew up in a dysfunctional family life. This led to him to become guarded and afraid of criticism. He would withdraw and would be distant and at work he didn’t have the people skills. He explained how he read a book and worked hard on his emotions and he turned his work life around. He would get to know them on a personal level and help with extra work and this led to him getting promoted. 



One of my favorite chapters discussed the importance of recognizing awesome employees. They have discovered that potential new hires are looking for employees with good attitudes. This tends to be more preferred than their abilities, skills, or knowledge. One of the ways we can change is remembering to respect others and show them consideration. We need to be handling our emotions well and become a part of who we are. Another way is knowing when to speak up and ask questions with sensitivity. We must also refuse to ever say it’s not our responsibility and ignore trying to help others or doing additional tasks. Employees can also be open to finding ways they can improve the work environment. This EI activity was to begin your awesome gift card program and email another coworker a blessing and a gift just to thank them for their hard work. 




I would recommend this awesome book about emotional intelligence and this is a great tool for personal and business reasons. He has a main goal of helping you to learn how to manage them. I liked how he explored body language and how we should position our bodies and maintain good posture. I also liked how he explained the prominence of not taking things too personal in business. Our coworkers might have been upset at a spouse and taking it out at us at work. I thought it was really interesting how he described how loneliness in our workplace is worse than obese and possibly even smoking. He included helpful tips in creating an atmosphere where coworkers can connect also on a personal level and in turn become less likely to be lonely. I also connected with all the types to avoid at work that are toxic to our health. This will help readers to learn more about them and how to handle them. I thought he did an excellent job at trying to help readers especially in their work environment. This book would be a great read if you would take a tip a day and try to act it out in real life. 






"I received this book free from the publisher, Dexterity for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on



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