Andrew Smith's Blog

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Happy Mind, Happy Life: The New Science of Mental Well-Being by Dr. Rangan Chatterjee Book Review

In Happy Mind, Happy Life, Dr. Rangan Chatterjee has written a new book about happiness and how we need to get our mind right. He has been a doctor for over 20 years. He begins the book by encouraging readers to take a few moments and ponder a moment when they were truly happy. He then asked what happened to cause us to lose that happiness. He explained how people who make small health changes in their lifestyles have brought about great change in their overall health. He has helped readers to get better sleep and practice one minute breathing techniques. He has also helped readers to manage their stress levels and making small changes to their diets. Stress is a big part of what the doctor sees when they meet with patients every single day. He has witnessed how happiness has helped readers to become healthier when they have less stress. He shared a powerful study Professor Lauie Santos completed. He injected rhinoviruses up their nostrils and discovered that the ones who were happier had a less chance of being sick. When we are happier, we have more energy to work out, socialize, and avoid bad foods. He shared that we all need to tap into our core happiness. These consist of contentment, alignment, and control. It is a forever long journey in which we walk in every day. Luckily, we can work these muscles every day to grow in strength and increase our happiness. The book enclosed ten simple ways to obtain happiness and 20 exercises to assist you. 




I would recommend this book to anyone who is ready to become happier and they are tired of being burden down by stress. I immensely loved the different exercises to work on our journey to happiness. I thought they were very helpful and powerful to guide us. I loved the topic of learning to treat ourselves with respect and I think this will be very beneficial to readers. This book has the potential to help us to manage and control our stress. I loved the breathing techniques and how we can take the time to slow down and reflect. I enjoyed how he contained numerous studies and explored the science of happiness. 





"I received this book free from the publisher, BenBella Books for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on 


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