Andrew Smith's Blog

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Home is Calling: The Journey of the Monarch Butterfly by Katherine Pryor Art By Ellie Peterson Book Review


Home is Calling is a children’s book about the critical journey of a monarch butterfly and their travels around the world. Every fall monarch caterpillars hatch in the eastern United States and southern Canada. Then they travel over 3,000 miles to central Mexico for the winter months. The book covered how the fly and travel across the oceans and world during the different seasons. They are typically orange and black with incredible wings. They are all on a special quest to make it back home. The book enclosed the anatomy of a butterfly and had a helpful chart explaining what each part of the butterfly is. It also described the life cycle of a caterpillar to an adult butterfly and how long it takes them to complete the cycle. She explained the importance of milkweed and how this is a beautiful flower that helps them to survive. Since the 1990’s the monarch butterflies have encountered a vast decline in their numbers. They have become a member of the endangered species list in 2022. A big part in their decline is the view of the milkweed and how it is considered a weed and climate change. She shared how readers can help save them by planting milkweed. You just have to be careful cause it can harm other animals. You can also report and seek out ways to help through organizations. There was also a guide on the migration progress and their travels at the back of the book. 




I would recommend this colorful impactful book on butterflies to anyone who enjoys watching these beautiful creatures. It would be a great sadness if we lost them and they were no more. But there are things we can do to help them live longer and to have a home. It was interesting to read about the migration process of them and I loved how in depth they went in explaining it where kids can understand. I liked how they created a fun book showcasing their journey around the world and how they travel every year. I liked how they included the anatomy of the butterfly and how they tried to teach children some of the science behind their bodies and their live cycles. I also loved the illustrations and it was like watching the monarch butterflies fly right around me while I was reading the book.  



"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords/Worthy Kids for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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