Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Secret of the Anointing: Accessing the Power of God to Walk in Miracles by Kathryn Krick Book Review


In Secret of the Anointing, Kathryn Krick walks readers through the entire process of walking with God, developing Godly character, and stepping into our anointing. She begins the book by sharing how she started 5F (Five-Fold) church in Los Angeles. She explained throughout the years she started with around 20 people to dropping down to sometimes just two people in 2020 when Covid happened. She strongly believes that there is a revival coming and the time is now. She had a vision and a calling to lead the nation and reach the lost. She created a one-minute video on TikTok in December 2020 showing how God moved in the past year. She witnessed people receive healing. The video reached 1 million views and there were tons of comments stating how God has brought a miracle into their own lives. She created something called, “Revival in the Park”. There were demons casted out and people began traveling to her church services. 







In the book, she explained how many of us struggle with breaking free from anxiety, depression, and addictions without much avail. We have to have God’s anointing to break the yoke. In the Bible, God would use human vessels to break the yokes. Slavery was broken from the Israelites through Moses, Elisha raised a man from the dead, and Peter casted out demons just by being around them. She explained how a lot of the sickness, depression, and suicidal thoughts are caused by a demonic spirit. This book teaches readers how to know the power of their spiritual authority and how to cast them out. She shared how we can receive impartation from others one of these included pouring oil on the head. She covered how to obtain deliverance and how you can break from past open doors that you may not even be aware of. 






I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is curious about anointing and they are ready to strength their relationship with Christ. I liked how she revealed what anointing means and how can witness the miracles taking place in today’s times. I liked how she shared different testimonies of impartation and how their lives were changed in the process. They were truly inspiring and touching to read how they attained their deliverance. This book will help break the yokes of addiction in your own lives. 





"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”







If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on

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