Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

The Fire of Perfect Love: Intimacy with God for a Life of Passion, Purpose, and Unshakable Faith by Steven and Rene Springer Book Review


In The Fire of Perfect Love, Steven and Rene Springer explored the importance of having a fiery love as the main goal of your life. They begin the book by sharing how the distortion of love is becoming common. We are losing our sight of God, there is a lack of loyalty, no real intimacy, immoral sexual behavior, catching after wealth, family dysfunction, racism, and much more. A large number of people are looking for love and acceptance wherever we can find it. They revealed how we need to love God first and when we experience this type of love this will in turn cause us to love others. They included a helpful list on how Father God expressed His love to us. These included, “gives life, is intimate, delights, generous, makes everything beautiful, protects and gives freedom to choose, redeems, clothes and covers”, and much more. They also took it a step farther and covered Jesus and the Holy Spirit and how they also express love to us. 



One of my favorite chapters was about our identity and how many of us are lure into finding our identity in titles, labels, and causes. They explained the difference between our being and relating. They shared how Martha found her identity by who she is and not by what she does. We need to also focus more on our seeing ourselves as holy and righteousness. We can let our old sinful nature to die. Steven also shared about how he had a son out of wedlock before he became a Christian. He explained how the world would refer to him as illegitimate or a mistake. He clarified how we are all created in love and Christ destined us and planned for us. They explored how when we know who we are in Christ, then we will display boldness, rest, inheritance, and Kingdom authority.






I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is ready for love to transform and change their entire lives. I loved how they touched on our identity in Christ and how we can navigate the journey to perfect love. This book can assist readers into stepping into their nature as a saint and become fearless. I liked how each chapter enclosed journey to perfect love and it contained declarations, a prayer, or questions. This book can help you to share the love and spread it around. There are also helpful videos to accompany and go along with the message of the book. 




Check out the website below:





"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”







If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on



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