Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Spiritual Intelligence: The Art of Thinking Like God by Kris Vallotton Book Review

In Spiritual Intelligence, Kris Vallotton explored the topic of our spiritual intelligence quotient and how we can have the mind of Christ. He explained how he was able to lead a talk session at Google and they discussed how Christianity can have an impact in the technology space. Most of them from Google have heard of IQ, EQ, and AI but not SQ. Throughout the book, he looked at how IQ, EQ, and SQ all worked together. He went into detail about renewing our minds and how we can be transformed. He explained how he studied many books on the subject of neuroscience and some were written by Dr. Caroline Leaf, such as one titled, “Why Switched Off My Brain?”. He learned how we can create positive mindsets and he revealed eight symptoms of a transformed mind. Some of these included, “full of hope, live in peace and don’t worry, like yourself, quick to forgive, believe in others, know how to think tri-dimensionally”, and much more. 



He shared what we can learn about Joshua and how he was instructed to medicate on God’s written Word and how God told him He would make him successful and prosperous. He discussed how we can transform our minds and we can choose what to believe and what negative lies that are opposed in the Word of God. This in turn will force new neural pathways to develop in our brains and help us to renew our minds.  



I would recommend this amazing book to anyone who is read to dive into the topic of spiritual intelligence and they are ready to learn more about how we can renew our minds to become more like Christ. I immensely liked how he shared the five receptivity’s: “think, know, feel, see, and hear” and how we can grow and transform our minds and lives to become closer to Christ. I enjoyed how he included a special assessment in the back of the book where readers can see and learn about unique things about their spiritual intelligence. One of my favorite stories was the one he shared about duct tape and how he was able to set people free from their oppression. He explained how he saw words written on top of people’s heads and he went up to them and asked if he could rip it off. Some of the words was abandoned, depression, abused, raped, chronic fatigue, and much more. He revealed how God was able to teach him to help set people free and get deliverance. If you’re looking for a book on tapping into the mind of Christ and transforming your mind and life, then read this book!





"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.” 






If you would like to purchase a copy of Spiritual Intelligence, check it out on



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