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Finding Quiet: My Journey to Peace in an Anxious World by Jamie Grace Book Review


In Finding Quiet, Jamie Grace opened up about her journey in dealing with the busy noise of a music career and how she was able to find quiet and peace. In the book, she shared how she has become a Christian recording artist and how she loves to sing, play instruments, and produce music. She also explained about how she struggled with an anxious disorder, Tourette Syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and ADHD and was diagnosed at age eleven. She revealed how deep her anxious is and how she felt silence meant she wasn’t loved or people don’t like her. She explained how she struggled with texting and sometimes feeling like if she replies too soon, she is being anxious and if she takes too long people might think she doesn’t care about them. She opened up about how she tried medication from nine to fifteen. She had major challenges with tics from her Tourette’s and they were becoming too aggressive and violent. The medication brought on new challenges and it caused her to lose her motivation and how she was exhausted most of the time. So eventually, she stopped it and then again in her twenties, she tried antidepressants medication again to help her cope with going on tour and being a full-time college student. She also tried counseling and she shared her experiences she faced along the way. She shared how she learned to rely on faith in her Creator and His strength and praying. Throughout the book, she looked at how she was able to find peace and she gave tips and encouragement to readers on how to enjoy the quiet and to let go of whatever is weighting us down. 



I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who has listened to Jamie Grace music and they will greatly enjoy the book. Even if you don’t listen to her music, you will still be able to connect with the book and get something from the book. I immensely loved how she opened up about her personal struggles with anxious and Tourette Syndrome. I believe people will be able to relate to her story and with listening to her songs I wouldn’t have ever knew that she struggled with all of these issues without reading this book. I also love how open she was in sharing how she went from an indie artist to a record label and then back to an indie artist. I liked how she was open about not getting a call back after the meeting supposedly went very well with a major record label and the fears she experienced. I appreciated how she shared that later she learned that being an indie artist gave her a new freedom to again work with songwriters that she wanted to work with. It turned out to working out for her benefit. I liked how she encouraged readers that even through her failed plans, she learned a mantra and shared it with readers. She stated, “My dreams won’t always come true. My plans won’t always work out.” She reminded readers that they aren’t failures and we won’t get accepted at every school or job that we apply to and we might not get married or have a baby by the time, we thought we would have. But she reminded us that we can still have hope and learn to enjoy the journey along the way. 





"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.” 




If you would like to purchase a copy of Finding Quiet, check it out on


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