Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Jesus Freaks: Stories of Those Who Stood for Jesus: The Ultimate Jesus Freaks Revised and Updated Edition by DC Talk and the Voice of the Martyrs Book Review

In Jesus Freaks, DC Talk, TobyMac (Toby McKeehan), Michael Tait (lead singer of Newsboys), and Kevin Max have all teamed back up to included new and revised stories about martyrs who some died while standing up for their beliefs in Jesus. The book is written about the hit song by DC talk entitled, “Jesus Freaks”. This song discussed the topic of refusing to hide from the truth of being a Jesus Freak and not caring what others say about us and living boldly out our faith. The book begins with all three artists discussing the topic of Jesus Freak and what it means to them and also where it originally began. It also included a message from The Voice of the Martyrs and they defined and explained in detail what is a martyr. The book included stories from real people who stood up for their faith in Christ and was persecuted for it. Some of these included: Chinese Christians from the Underground Church, Thomas, Paul, Matthew, the First Jesus Freak (Stephen), William Tyndale, and much more. Each chapter included a story and ended with reflection and a scripture verse. In the back of the book, they also included a special section about the persecution in other areas of the world today and it breaks it down into the countries and what being a Christian can cost them. 



One of the stories included was about Mee who was 19 years old in Laos. She was faced with a difficult decision to claim her Savior or deny Him. One day, a Communist guard pointed a gun at her and told her he would shoot her in the forehead if she continued to believe in Jesus. She told him that he could kill her body but her spirit would still live. He didn’t shoot her or her sister but he warned her that he would watch them and he walked away. Mee made the choice to believe in Christ when she was given a few months to live. She was battling thyroid cancer since the age of 14. She eventually went to church with her sister and she told God she would serve Him, if he would heal her. A month later at the checkup, the cancer was completely gone. So, when the guard threaten to kill her, she made a choice to stand up and be a witness for Christ no matter what the cost.  



I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is seeking a collection of stories about what it means to be a Christian and how to have unshakeable faith even when faced with imprisonment, tortured, and death. I immensely enjoyed how the book included people in the Bible who was persecuted for believing in Christ. I also liked how it included personal stories from all over the world about how they chose to stand up for what they believe in. I liked how it contained the power to give readers courage to boldly confess their love for Jesus and to become a Jesus Freak. I have read some of the original book when I was a teenager but it’s been a few years now. I liked how they enclosed stories all the way up until 2018 so it’s still pretty current. 





"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.” 








If you would like to purchase a copy of Jesus Freaks, check it out on


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