Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Empty Out the Negative: Make Room for More Joy, Greater Confidence, and New Levels of Influence by Joel Osteen Book Review



In Empty Out, Joel Osteen has written a brand-new book about dumping all of our negative thoughts. We need to learn to let go and release all of the guilt, worry, doubt, offenses from the day before. They are only holding us back from living our best joyful and peaceful life. Joel describes it as a container and our heart is filled with many different negative emotions and it is weighing us down. He explained to readers that we get to make a choice on what we allow in our lives and what we think about. Joel shared how we need to learn to drop whatever bad baggage that happened today or even 5 minutes ago and to let it go. He looked at scriptures and how Jesus declared that the pure of heart will see God. He illustrated how our hearts need to be like a catheter and how it cleanses and purify our impurities and we need to get into a habit of releasing the negative things that are infecting us. He looked at the topic of unforgiveness and how the bitterness is hurting us. He revealed how we need to release our own failures and receive God’s mercy. He teaches readers how to be free from guilt. He also looked at how we can forgive others. He shared personal stories from others such as, Mary Johnson and how she was able to forgive someone who killed her own son. 



I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is ready to change their thinking. This book will help readers to drop the negative baggage and to let go of our mistakes, hurts, pains, and whatever things that didn’t work out. I liked how he reminded readers to dwell on the positive and how if we focus on the positive instead of the negative, we will see an improvement in our lives. We will also have less room in our thinking, if we choose to go after the positive. I also enjoyed how he gave great encouragement to readers on how if they choose to give their spouse compliments and to have a higher fresh attitude, then we could possibly see a vast difference in our marriage. You could also apply this thinking to all of relationships and in our workforce. I immensely liked how Joel helped us to make room for right Godly thoughts and how we can increase our joy. 





"I received this book free from the publisher, Faithwords for my honest review.” 





If you would like to purchase a copy of Empty Out the Negative, check it out on


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