Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

A Heart on Fire: You Are Chosen to Change the World by Glen Berteau Book Review

In A Heart on Fire, Glen Berteau revealed the truth about how we are all chosen by God and we are predestined to fulfill our mission and calling. He clarified how we need to be fed up with the things that are displeasing to God. He instructed us on how to have a revival and the part we all play in it. He discussed the wind, fire, power, and Lazarus revival. In the book, he opened up about how he stuffed from a sudden cardiac arrest. He died in his front seat of his car in his churches parking lot. The paramedics tried to save him for 45 minutes before they were finally able to save him. He died and was revived eight times. This event helped lead him to a heart on fire for God and a revival that needed to be born. 




He shared a personal story about seeing a person at the drugstore and he had a pull over hairdo, huge gauges in his ears, and a Satanic symbol tattooed on his arm. He explained how we are commanded to love others and not run from people who aren’t like us. We can’t avoid the sinners and tax collectors like Zacchaeus. He shared how he wanted to be known as the pastor who shared a meal with murders, prostitutes, tax collectors, and sinners. Jesus would often be associated with sinners and people who religious folks would often judge. He explored the teaching Jesus did on the lost sheep and how a man lost one sheep and went after that one sheep and carried it home on his shoulders. He used this to explain how we need to be like that in search for the lost and going after the ones who have strayed.  




One of my favorite chapters discussed the three characteristics of an effective prayer life. He looked at Elijah and how he prayed and believed for rain to end the drought. One of the ways is praying with determination and seeing with eyes of a faith before we see anything happening. Glen explained how he had to see his church full before it ever was. His church has since grown to five campuses and five different services times. He enlightened how this changed everything for him and how spending time with God changed him. 



I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is ready to bring about a revival and to be reenergized and live out your faith. This book was very beneficial and informative on igniting our faith and getting our fire back. It was very heartbreaking to read about some of the things that are currently happening in America. These included a girl being told to hide her cross necklace at school, a teacher being fire for using the line, “the first shall be last and the last first” and giving a student a Bible, senior citizens told they couldn’t pray before meals, and much more. This book is an important call to readers to take a stand for their beliefs and to become fed up with what is occurring in the world today. 





"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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