Andrew Smith's Blog

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God Heals: Eight Keys to Defeat Sickness and Receive Divine Healing by Steve Austin Book Review

In God Heals, Steve Austin explored the much-needed topic of healing and how to unleash the power of our faith. Steve Austin is a former attorney and has been a pastor at Lakewood Church for over 20 years. He is also an active member of ministering to Houston’s Texas Medical Center and this is one of the largest medical centers in the entire world. He has firsthand witnessed healing. In the book, he discussed eight keys: “unleashing the power of faith, praying prayers that work, utilizing the miracle in our mouth, taking care of your temple”, just to name a few. He explained how he came to believe in the fact that God still heals people in today’s time. He grew up in a church not knowing about the healing business. All of that changed when he met an evangelist who conducting healing crusades all over the world. He went on a trip to India with him and hired a videographer to document video proof of miraculous healing that took place. He shared how he witnessed and prayer for a man who was paralyzed on his left side get healed, a woman who was in a wheelchair to begin to walk, and people with tumors and cancers in their bodies. He also stated how he asked God why people in American aren’t seeing the healings. He shared how God spoke to him about how we tend to put our faith in doctors and we google everything and this is hindering our believing for a miracle. He also explained how churches aren’t teaching on healings. He also discussed why sickness occurs: we have fallen bodies that make us more prone to sickness, toxins and viruses are more prevalent, and we have an enemy that will attack us. He deliberated on how sickness and disease aren’t from God. 




In the book, he also shared the story of Dodie Osteen and how she was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic liver cancer and given 6 weeks to live. She grew worst and was down to 89 pounds and her skin was yellow. All of this occurred in 1981. Her and her husband prayed and believed for a miracle. She was healed and she is still alive today. He enlightened on how she kept her faith in tack during this difficult season. One of the ways was she kept God’s word in front of her and she read and saw the healing scriptures daily all over her house. She also spoke out loud the healing scriptures over her life. Another insight, she did was write a letter to all of her family members and friends asking them for forgiveness if she ever offended them or hurt them. He revealed the powerful scripture found in Romans 12:18 about being at peace with all people. 



One of my favorite things, he discussed was the bulldog faith and how Dodie and the women with the issue of the blood had bulldog faith in believing that Jesus would heal them. He compared the bulldogs to the sport of bullfighting and how they would latch onto a bull and hold on to them where they wouldn’t be killed. This was a very effective example of not allowing the sickness to overtake us or to defeat us. We can all have a fighter spirit. He also shared another example of Bea and how she was a fighter even when she faced multiple different things that should have killed her. 



I would recommend this wonderful book on healing to anyone who is ready to increase their faith and they are wanting to learn how to believe for healing. Steve does an excellent job in writing such an impactful book that contained key principles we can use to change our lives physically and spiritual. One of my favorite lessons in the book was speaking out daily scripture declarations about healing, victory, fear, strength, sleep, and peace. I also connected to the prayers he included to pray over different areas of our lives. Another favorite chapter was the only that discussed our temple and how to eat the right foods to protect our immune system and to live a healthier life. I also liked how he explained how he has seen ill patients be given unhealth food options and this is very informative on how this could be one of the reasons that sick bodies aren’t receiving the proper nutrients needed to heal. The keys presented in this book will greatly change your life if you will live them out daily! 






"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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