Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Return From Tomorrow by George G. Ritchie with Elizabeth Sherrill Book Review

Return from Tomorrow is a true story about the life of a young solider, George G. Ritchie. He begins by sharing his experience with travelling to Camp Barkeley, Texas for his basic training in 1943. He explained the dust storm and the conditions of the area. They faced a deep coldness in the air. He eventually suffered a sore throat and many were coughing. He ran a high fever and grew very sick. He explained his experience with death and seeing the light and meeting Christ. He felt an astonishing love surrounding him. He travelled with Jesus to witness different scenes and people going through things. He revealed how he was declared dead for nine minutes and how he recovered from pneumonia and was healed. He also shared his story about becoming a medical gradate and a doctor. This edition of the book is celebrating the 30th anniversary. 





I would recommend this awesome story about heaven, Christ, and the afterlife to anyone who is looking for an inspirational story. This book hasn’t gone out of print and keeps getting released 30 years later. One of the most powerful descriptions was about the suicides and how they are chained to every consequence they made. I liked how it touched on the addictions that some of these people were facing and provides us with hope in our own struggles. I also connected with how he went into detail about the bright light that was around people. His experiences with death is very eye opening and we can learn about Christ and His love for us. 






"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on




Right now, the e-book is available on Kindle Unlimited for free to read.  


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