Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Every Day A Victory: Practical Weapons to Fight, Stand, and Live Free by William Wood Book Review


In Every Day A Victory, William Wood explored the schemes of satan’s and how to use Godly weapons against him. He shared how satan isn’t the greatest enemy but our rejection of God’s truth will limit us and inhibit us. In the book, he opened up about his personal struggle with drugs and alcohol. He experienced a field of lustful thoughts and he realized that they were coming from a spirit. He studied Galatians 5:22-24 and the different key characteristics of God’s spirit. He would deny access to thoughts if they didn’t line up with the nine fruits of the Holy spirit. He explained how we need to submit ourselves to God and to resist the devil and how he will flee from us. We also need to renew our minds and this is started by studying and medicating on the scriptures. He explained how he felt the love of God and was changed. For many years, he was dead inside and denied that there was a God. He was at the bottom of the rope in 2005 when he was just twenty years old. He was on a meth binge and the doctors thought he was going to die. His kidneys were failing and his liver was close to failing. He discussed how he saw a bright light and felt loved for the very first time. He met a person and he explained how the water would cleanse him. The very next day, he was healed and his kidney and liver were back to normal. 




I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is seeking a book on freedom and they want to know how to stand firm against satan and his schemes. I personally loved and connected with his true story about his life and how he struggled with addiction and how he was able to get free. I believe many people who are facing addictions will benefit from reading this book and be encouraged that they took can obtain freedom from their struggles. I loved the section for weapons for the battle. One of them talked about how to recognize deception and temptation and how to command it to leave. These sections were very powerful in assisting readers into going deeper into the chapters and receiving freedom from our struggles. This book will help you to break down any strongholds that we are currently facing. 






"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”







If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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