Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Raising Families the Jesus Way: Biblical Insights for Godly Parenting and Shaping Future Generations by Mary, Sarah, Sal, and Frank Garcia Book Review

In Raising Families the Jesus Way, Mary Garcia has teamed with her husband Frank and their two kids to write this dynamic book as a collective force. The parents explain how they raised their children and insights on parenting. They shared how critical it is to share salvation with our children and teach them the ways of Christ. The book explained how we can be models of Christ to our children. There is three ways we can be a blessing to our children. One of the ways is showing affection to our children. They clarified how serious it is for fathers to be active in their lives and displaying affection. The failure to do this can lead to destructive behaviors such as promiscuity and teen pregnancy. Our daughters could be more prone to running to men to fill that void of affection. 






In the book, Mary opened up about her past and how she grew up Catholic and they went to church a few times a year. Her father had a drinking problem. She didn’t have a real in-depth relationship with God. She admitted to experiencing suicide thoughts and she heard a voice telling her to drive off the cliff. She remembers praying that if He is real and that He loves her, he would show her. She saw four people in a car next to her honking and holding up a sign that stated that, Jesus loves you. After that she started attending church regularly and became a Christian. She also explained how they struggled getting pregnant and how she stood in faith that they would have twins one girl and one boy. 





I would recommend this impactful book to anyone is ready to grow in their parenting skills and they want to have Godly household filled with lessons. I immensely loved the message of this book and how she included her husband and her kids and insights on the principles taught throughout the book and how it changed their own lives. One of my favorite topics discussed generational strongholds and generational curses and the difference between them and how we can overcome and break them. I loved how they explored changing our thinking and start each day with daily declarations. One of the most life changing quotes was, “what you don’t forgive, you repeat” and this was about forgiving our parents and others to have hurt us where we don’t repeat history again. There is tons of teachings presented in this book to help families become everything God has for them and to positively impact future generations. 





"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”







If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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