Andrew Smith's Blog

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The Parent’s Battle Plan: Warfare Strategies to Win Back Your Prodigal by Laine Lawson Craft Book Review


In The Parent’s Battle Plan, Laine Lawson Craft explored the key warfare strategies and how she has witnessed her own three prodigal children returning back home. She reminded readers that our children first belong to God and that they are only on loan to us. The book looked at the dark evil angels, one of these was Lucifer and he was after his own desires and ways. She explained how each of their three children, Lawson, Kaylee, and Steven faced downward spirals into temptations and destruction. They each faces oppress and lost the path into the light. Lawson was in ninth grade when he purchased his first pack of cigarettes and he secretly had a fake ID. He was eventually arrested right after that event. Kaylee was in ninth grade when she had a party when her parents weren’t home. The party got out of hand and they left the house in a disaster. Steven was in seventh grade when he was at a restaurant with friends and his friends began slashing people’s tires and this led a path of bad company. She revealed how the enemy’s goal is to cause weakness and to open an area that will allow the devil a way to take control. 



One of my favorite chapters was on prayer and pleading the blood of Jesus over our children’s lives. This is extremely powerful lesson in believing that Christ’s completed work on the cross covers everything and allows Christ to work through any problem. This is a defense mechanism against the devil and it will protect us in times of trouble. The blood will also cleanse us from all our sins and open the door to forgiveness. She disclosed how she envisioned Jesus dying on the cross and His blood dripping down His body. She would imagine that she had an imaginary paintbrush and was covering all her children with Christ’s blood. She prayed for protection, wisdom, and remind them that they are God’s chosen children. She shared a personal story of Lawson and how if God wouldn’t have protected him from bad friends, then, he would have ended up in jail. She also looked at Exodus and how Israelites would place blood over their doorposts where the plague of death would pass by them. She included scriptures to pray over our children and how we can use prayer as a winning weapon. 



I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is believing for their wayward sons and daughters and they are hoping that God will reach them and help them to return home. I loved all of the helpful sections, scriptures, and questions that will assist us in working through all of the challenges and will provide us with hope that God can redeem anything. I immensely loved reading the stories of each of the children throughout the book and we are able to see how each event led to the difficult seasons. The stories portrayed many different issues and struggles children are facing currently and she shared how she dealt with the devastation and grief. Luckily, they are all okay and ended up on the right path. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”







If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on



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