Andrew Smith's Blog

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Break Blow Burn & Make : A Writers Thoughts on Creation by E. Lily Yu Book Review

In Break Blow Burn & Make, E. Lily Yu . She begins the book by describing how writing is like an incandescent. The writer starts with a light and sometimes it can be seen a small flame just waiting to burn brighter. The dust and ashes are left by the living of one’s life. She compared it to a dragonfly and the world begins to shift and emerge and it searches for a reader. It the writing is good it will eventually burn through our preconceptions and change our way of living. She has felt like there is a missing vital flame in most the writings in today’s times. She explained how readers are now in search of books that offer their mirror way of thinking and help to reinforce our preexisting beliefs. She explored how literature is changing and how love, grace, wisdom is vanishing quickly. There is a dwindling in congregations and how many people are gathering together. She explained how she left a nondenominational church after some leader in another state declared that COVID-19 was an answer from his own personal prayer that God would bring down punishment. She shared how writers and readers need to recover what has been lost to catch the new flame and to get their fire back. 

She explained how inspiration occurs and how gratitude has immensely helped her. She realized that this helped her with the very first blessing and it will help her to improve for hopefully a second one. This is an act of an inward response of thankfulness when we receive an idea or a new solution to our writing. She opened up about how she had an experience on working on first draft of her novel. She felt led to stop and to instead focus on another story that was demanding her full attention. She admitted how normally it takes her four drafts with hard editing and this time it was like she was being pulled into the way she should go. She learned to give thanks for this rare occurrence from her Creator. She explained how each artist is able to choose if they will grow their living story and it take them through pleasant and unpleasant tasks and we can freely receive the gift or refuse it. We have to be open to listening to the voice that instructs us to write when we need to write. She clarified how critical is to have the mindset we are called to serve others with our writing and not believe we should be the ones who are served. 

I would recommend this inspiring book about creative and how writing has dramatically changed over the years. She has a unique way in describing the writing process and illustrating how their is a lost flame and art to good writing. She believes most of the writing now is missing the craft and language of the past. One of the most interesting things, she shared was how in 1895, J.B. Wise was found guilty of mailing out obscene materials containing Isaiah 12:36 and he was fined $50 dollars for doing so. I liked how she explored how Christian writing has also changed and how we have lost the truth and the love of Christ. This book is geared to help readers to read and write more deeply and being honest with themselves. 

I received this book free from Worthy Publishing for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on 


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