Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Single Today: Conquer Yesterday’s Regrets, Ditch Tomorrow’s Worries, and Thrive Right Where You Are by Ryan Wekenman Book Review

In Single Today, Ryan Wekenman has written a book geared to assist single people in learning to enjoy and thrive in whatever season they are currently in. Everyone has a season of singleness and some people are okay with it and others struggle greatly. He has been single for 34 years and he admits to loving it at least 82 % of the time. Like most he sometimes questions if he will be fine with missing out on a family. He could just enjoy spending time with his nephew and niece. He wonders if he is okay missing out on a deep trust you only build with spending years with a spouse. We often wonder are we running out of time and all the good ones will be taken. He explained their is two enemies to singleness. They are yesterday filled with shame and regret and tomorrow and fearing what’s going to happen in the future. He opened up about how he is a single pastor and at times he even questioned was there something wrong with him. He had people walk up up to him telling him that they would like him to be married by this time next year. Marriage is God’s idea and we are supposed to be fruitful and multiply. He felt the stings of their words and felt his soul would be buried alive with the worries. He opened up about he received help from a spiritual mentor and he helped him by looking at the story of the pool at Bethesda and how he probably had a lot of hope that on day one he would be healed. When that didn’t happen and it took years he must have lost his excitement. This story caused him to do the inner work and he questioned like most of us do is there something wrong with us as to why we don’t have any luck with falling in love. He explored Jesus life and how he was also single and was in ministry. Another big part of the book was how he looked at Mary and Martha and how they both handle things differently. He pulls out key lessons and related the story back to singleness. 

One of my favorite discussions was about the system to keep from getting stuck in the past. You can begin your morning by picking three things you’re thankful for. You can end the day by journaling and processing your day and end and begin with gratitude. It will help you to let go of the past to move forward on to a brighter future. I think this is a wonderful tool to use daily and refocus on gratitude. I also liked how he covered Mary’s story and how she had to learn to let go of the past and to discover her purpose. I immensely enjoyed how he related it back to singleness and used to explain some of the topics around it. I liked how he revealed the gift of singleness and others need to recognize that people may have that gift. I can greatly relate to his story and have been single most of my life too. This book is a wonderful encouragement to anyone who is single and will provide them with much needed encouragement. I also liked how he included discussion questions to assist readers in going deeper. 

I received this book free from Waterbrook for my honest review.”






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