Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

The Whole Man: 40 Spiritual Reflections from Black Men on the Head, Heart, Hands, and Soul by Rasool Berry, Dr. Maliek Blade, Jerome Gay Jr Book Review

The book is a book comprised of 40 days devotions type spiritual reflections to help us to grow in our walk to be a better man. It is written by a team of three men. This book primarily focused on being written for men of color and it covered a lot of what they face. The book begins by sharing how ESPN released a film called Broke that covered how many athlete pros are now broke. They once had wealth from their careers and now has lost it all. This leads to the topic of brokenness and how men are dropping out of the workforce and church. Many men don’t even have any close friendships. They stated that the path to wholeness is first learning to love God with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. We can look unto Jesus to assist us in becoming whole. The book is divided up into head, heart, hands, and soul. 




One of my favorite chapters discussed wrestling with God. Like Habakkuk who asked the Lord how long must he call out for help. There is no response from God and you feel like He isn’t even listening to you at all. We cry out about the violence that is all around us and God isn’t saving us. He next asked where is God in the four hundred years of slavery, where is He when unarmed Black men and woman are gunned down, teenagers are sold in human trafficking, and all the homeless on the street. Where is God? He next explained the power of waiting and how it strengthens our faith. It helps us to grow deeper and to learn more about God, ourselves, and others. Waiting helps us to grow in our faith. 




I would recommend this awesome book to any man that is ready to be whole. I immensely enjoyed how the book is written as a short devotional type filled with 40 days. They are quick and easy to read. Each day had a short lesson, verse, questions, and a short passage. I liked how the book covered topics that men will be able to connect with. I also liked how they have videos on their website and a discussion guide where you can discuss in small group with other men. 



Check out their website:

I received this book free from Our Daily Bread Publishing for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on



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