Andrew Smith's Blog

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Did Everyone Have an Imaginary Friend (Or Just Me) by Jay Ellis Book Review


In Did Everyone Have an Imaginary Friend (Or Just Me), Jay Ellis has written his autobiography feeling his tall tale adventures with his imaginary friend, Mikey. Readers will recognize Jay from his tv acting. He stars in the HBO series Insecure. He compares his friend to become someone he could trusts and count on. Mikey was like his older brother who would protect him at all costs. He explained that he loves to learn and he was always a student at heart. He would often take classes in between his acting roles. Instead of a superhero role, he choose him to be a young black man who dressed in the latest trends and had a fresh haircut. He was calm, curious, and easy going. He grew up as a only child and was alone most of the time. He came from a traveling military family. He shared how he came to him during a bad storm when he was about four years old. He was trapped in a swamp surrounded by crocodiles and he couldn’t even go to his parents room in fear that he would be eaten. He opened up about how he stayed with him through his high school years even. He was around through the crazy teenager experiences. Mikey taught him how to trust his instincts, having a spirit of play, and accepting who you are. 

I would recommend this creative book on imaginary friends mixed with his life story. I liked how he shared about his experiences with gangs, first kiss, dating, getting pulled over by the cops a few times, and much more. He has some fun and exciting stories to share. What was surprising to me was the fact that his best friend stayed with him throughout his schools years until he faded away. In writing this book, he learned that others have also experienced an imaginary friend. I remember playing pretending when I was younger but my imaginary friends would have had superpowers and they weren’t and every day looking person. I also am an only child so I can relate creating someone to bring you comfort through life experiences. I think he did an excellent job in detailing what he went through growing up and how his imaginary friend was there through it all. I also liked how he enclosed pictures throughout the book to bring the book even more to life and relatable. 

I received this book free from One World and Random House for my honest review.”






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