Andrew Smith's Blog

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God Is a Grunt: And More Good News for GIs by Logan M. Isaac Book Review



In God is a Grunt, Logan M. Isaac covered a theological approach of what a solider is and mixed with a history lesson. He defined the term grunt as, “low-ranking or unskilled solider or other worker.” He described how they are the people on the front lines and they do the killing or they are killed. He explained how high the suicide rate is for people who served in the military. He stated, “one solider and seventeen veterans will take their lives every day, or one every eighty minutes.” He begins the book by first exploring Cain and how many people only chose to see him as killer who killed his own brother. He looked at how he was cursed by the ground. He revealed how killing effects grunts. He looked at how they have to deal with the stereotypes they face. He explored how God is a grunt and how He is a divine warrior. He also included words from Hebrews and Greeks that readers can easily look up online by their strong concordance number. 



I would recommend this excellent book on what our soldiers faced and what they are dealing with daily. I liked how he shared personal heart touching stories and they will make you have tears in your eyes. I liked how he looked at stories from scriptures and historical key characters, such as, Francis and Pilgrimage, George and Martyrdom, and Ralph and GI Justice. I liked how throughout the book he shared how Jesus is like a grunt. I like how he took apart the military service in the New Testament and what this says about our earliest attitudes towards soldiers. This book is written and geared to appeal to GI’s and to help them navigate through life.



"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.”




If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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