Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Shut Up, Devil: Silencing the 10 Lies Behind Every Battle You Face by Kyle Winkler Book Review

In Shut Up, Devil, Kyle Winkler explored the 10 lies the devil plants into our minds hoping that they will take root. Some of these lies included: you are still a horrible sinner, God is punishing you, unlovable, can’t be forgiven, you do not belong, and much more. He begins the book by sharing how lions act and how they stalk their prey. The devil does the same thing when he tries to stop us in our tracks. In the book, he discussed how to renew your mind and he instructed for readers to even use a defensive method and offensive method. He described how we can determine the source of your thoughts and we can learn to ask ourselves who told us the lie we are believing about ourselves. Next, we can learn to counter our thoughts. 




In the book, he opened up about how in elementary that he felt like an outside. He was super quiet and didn’t talk. He didn’t have a lot of athletic ability. He felt the pain of rejection throughout his life and he didn’t feel man enough. He shared how he lost his first publishing deal. He stated how he is 35 years old and still unmarried and he doesn’t fit into the pastor’s club. He felt disqualified to be in ministry. He shared how he got the idea that extroversion is more celebrated and valued as a gift. This isn’t from scripture and it comes from our culture around us. Many times, we take our mistakes and some of our weakness as flaws when they may not really be. He learned that being an introvert isn’t always a bad thing. He learned his full identity in Christ and was able to grow in confidence and overcome some of his shyness. He explored the story of Gideon and how God was with Him and able to shine through his weaknesses. 



I would recommend this awesome life changing book to anyone who is ready to face the lies they have been believing in their life. I loved Kyle’s message about shutting up the devil and not listening to his lies. I immensely connected to his story. I too was shy growing up and felt insecure most of my life. I have felt the pain of rejection and it was like reading my own story while reading Kyle’s story. I believe if readers will engage in this book and learn how to deal with the lies that we are believing, then we will witness our lives changing for the better. 



"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”



If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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