Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

No Crowns in the Castle: Building a Strong Relationship and a Harmonious Life by Fantasia and Kendall Taylor with Hilary Beard Book Review

In No Crowns in the Castle, Fantasia and Kendall Taylor have teamed up to write a book about marriage and building a lasting relationship. As many people remember, Fantasia won American Idol in season three and is now an award-winning singer. Kendall is a successful businessman. In the book, they shared how they met and was married three weeks later. They have since been married for over 7 years and they have a blended family. In the book, she shared how her music contact was written and how she only got paid to perform. All the album sales and songwriting royalties went to other people. Kendall revealed his background and how he was shot twice and was a felony. He sold drugs in his teens. 





The book begins by describing how she did an interview on the Breakfast Club. She explained that after she got married, she changed and stopped singing about the same things she used too. Her music and song choices changed on her latest album. She found love and she wanted to make music that brought people together. She went into discussing how women are trying to be the leader and we can’t be the king in the house. She stated how women need to be the queen. She also used a term about how women need to submit and how the queen is the most important piece in chess. This led to a lot of backlash after this interview. They explained how this is a Biblical principle and it requires trust and it can only happen when someone else is aligned with God. They revealed how they believe marriage is become not appreciated and not protected. Their main goal of the book is to help readers to know that marriage is possible and they can have a lasting marriage. They have provided ten topics to help us grow together as a couple. These included dealing with blended families, improving strong communication, emotional conflicts, dating for life, and much more. 






I would recommend this awesome book on marriage to anyone who is looking for a book to improve their relationship with their spouse. I immensely loved how they discussed the conflicts of blending a family together and the challenges that come with it. I loved how they are both Christians and they shared how God helped them in building a strong marriage. I also appreciated and connected with how Fantasia compared submission and harmony to marriage and being in key and choosing not to overpower another person while you are performing together.  



"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.”



If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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