Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

The Gift of Disillusionment: Enduring Hope for Leaders After Idealism Fades by Peter Greet and Chris Horst Book Review



In The Gift of Disillusionment, Peter Greet and Chris Horst is a book meant to inspire and encourage pastors and leaders running low on hope. We have all witnessed lately leaders falling out and losing their credibility and we are being reminded more and more of how human they truly are just like us. The book shared a shocking fact on how in 2020 self-care has reached a total of $450 billion industry. We are all desperate to discover hope and many of us are struggling with living with anxiety. The book explored the term idealism and how they see a needs and seek to try and fix it. They looked at what disillusionment means and how this leads us to false hope and how we can instead turn inward to obtain hope. In the book, Peter compared his fostering kids’ personal story about how it led to eventually hope but he had to go through the idealism, disillusionment, cynicism, and hope. They looked at the life of Jeremiah and how he spoke out against false prophets. He was beaten and was also the voice for the suffering of hope. The book also looked at other Christian leaders from around the world and they shared some of their stories. 



I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is seeking a good book on leadership and they need a new found hope in their lives. I immensely loved how they shared different personal stories from leaders around the world. One of my favorite stories was Lisa Johanon and how she blessed her community in Detroit and the outreach she was able to complete so far. This was a wonderful example of obedience. I also liked how the book touched on the story of Jeremiah and how he still served God and His ways especially when he was beaten. If you’re looking for a leadership book to help you get back your passion, then read this one! 



"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”




If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on



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