Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Soul Cure: How to Heal Your Pain and Discover Your Purpose By Gregory Dickow Book Review

In Soul Cure, Gregory Dickow explored the dynamics of your soul and everything that emcompress it. He discussed how we can work towards healing our soul and dealing with our soul thieves. These soul thieves included depression, shame, self-hatred, fear, guilt, and much more. In the book, he will share many different tips and suggestions on handing our negative emotions. He explained the power of the mind and how it is the single most important thing that we need to learn to control and think right. He opened up throughout the book about how the devil come to steal, kill, and destroy and how he is doing just that. He shared that 1 million people successful commit suicide every year. 20 million Americans are battling addictions. Many are trying to deal with emotional stress and to find freedom or something to stop the pain that is going inside us. 



In the book, he shared his own struggle with depression and feeling so alone. He also lost his best friend, Randy to suicide and this left him with very few friends left. At age sixteen, he was hooked on drugs and alcohol. He didn’t know his worth or value. He revealed how his coworker reached out to him and brought him to Bible study and this was his real encounter with Christ. He accepted Christ and the light started clicking on and he was changed. 



I would recommend this life changing book to anyone is seeking healing from the pains of life and they want emotional healing. One of my favorite teachings, he discussed was the power of thankfulness and how this is the key that drives miracles. I immensely loved that outlook on that. He looked at Jesus feeding the 5,000 and raising Lazarus from the dead. I loved how he shared we need to know that we are loved and that we need to believe before we see. He included a special check-up and how thankfulness affects us positively. All of these are awesome benefits we will received if we choose to practice thankfulness. I also loved how there was a special section after each teaching about declaring and praying to help readers in refocusing their life. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”




If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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